We are passionate about data
Central bank communication has gone from being something 'not done' to a core tool of central banks over the past three decades.This website is based on and uses data from Lauren's PhD project which aims to discover systematic insights into this major transformation. She does this in several (joint) papers. First, Lauren, Simeon and Maximilian, propose a novel LLM based method to measure responses of central banks to various pressures in their monetary communication. Second, Lauren and Simeon examine how central bank independence shapes monetary policy. Third, Lauren examines how institutional aspects, in this case the Eurosystem multi-level set-up, influences agenda-setting and responsiveness in central bank communication. This is still ongoing work and updates will be added.

Lauren Leek
Lauren is a PhD researcher in political science at the European University Institute. She was previously a visiting PhD researcher at the London School of Economics and a PhD trainee at the European Central Bank in DG Economics and is broadly interested in the intersection between social data science and political science/political economy.

Simeon Bischl
Simeon is a PhD researcher in Economics at the European University Institute. He was previously a research analyst at the European Central Bank in DG Economics. He is interested in topics at the intersection of public economics and political economy.
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